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Freya's Web Log Back to Freya's Home pageFreya Blog Archives Friday, 31 Dec 04 (back to top) Dad and I spent New Year's Eve in San Francisco. Well... It was actually New Year's Eve "day". We took BART into the City, visitied the Steinhart Aquarium, had lunch at the Metreon and visited the "Where the Wild Things Are" exhibit. I liked looking at the ants at the aquarium and Dad and I sat in front of the giant catfish display area for quite a while. Maybe we can do this every New Year's Eve!
Thursday, 30 Dec 04 (back to top) Dad went out yesterday and got me four fish:
He dropped Cinderella's bag in the garage and it burst open. Luckily not all of the water escaped and Cinderella was transferred to the fish tank successfully. She's doing ok. Tuesday, 28 Dec 04 (back to top) I did get a fish tank. Dad helped me set it up. Unfortunately you have to wait a few days before putting fish in it, so we'll do that later in the week. I did enjoy spending the holidays with my cousins at Grandma Chula & Grandpa Bear's house. I look forward to seeing them again! Thursday, 23 Dec 04 (back to top) Yesterday, after reading lots of Christmas stories from the book I got from Aunt Aimee, I told Mom, "I want to write a letter to Santa!". Mom asked me what I wanted to ask from Santa. I first said a red bike with white stripes. Then I said, "I want a flying carpet." Mom said they were pretend, so I said, "I want a guitar... and a fish tank!". Mom said I needed to choose one, so I thought for a bit, then said "I want a fish tank." Mom started writing, "Dear Santa, My name is Freya." But I told her, "NO! You not Freya! I'm Freya!" So I made her restart. I told her to write, "Dear Santa, I want a fish tank. Love, Freya." I hope he brings me one! (I didn't ask for fish, so I don't know if that comes with a fish tank or not.) Monday, 20 Dec 04 (back to top) Mom's starting to stress again about my naps. I've had one nap in 7 days and by evening time, it shows. It's hard for me to wind down for bed. Mom's going to try to get me to nap today. Wednesday, 15 Dec 04 (back to top) Yesterday, Mom and I went shopping for some more holiday cards. Mom let me roam around Target after we go the cards. I enjoyed looking and touching everything, but then I realized this was a *store*! And you can buy things! So I immediately told Mom that I wanted everything. I focused on the game Operation but settled on a package of Disney underwear. (I slept in them last night.) As we were buying everything, I saw a bottle of Root Beer in the display case. I really wanted it. When Mom said no, I yelled "Dad lets me get it!" (I think Mom won't be taking me shopping for a while.) Monday, 13 Dec 04 (back to top) Friday night, Dad and I want to a Hanukkah pot luck & party with Kol Hadash. They are the Northern California Community for Humanistic Judaism. It was fun singing songs and eating potato latkes. Dad let me have lots of chocolate coins (and desert). He paid for it later when I didn't want to go. After he told me that if we head outside we might be able to see Santa Claus flying back to the North Pole for the night, then I was ok leaving. On Saturday afternoon Grandma Chula and Grandpa Bear came over so Mom & Dad could go to the Richmond holiday ball. Earlier in the day we went to the Scandia play center. It was funny seeing Mom & Dad practicing swing dancing there while all the kids were running around, climbing & playing. On Sunday we went to the Berkeley JCC Hanukkah party. We ate latkes, made a colored sand jar, and listened to Hanukkah songs. I liked the song: "Monday - potatoes; Tuesday - potatoes; Wednesday - potatoes; Thursday & Friday - potatoes; Saturday a special treat - potatoes". On the way to the car I sang the song "Shabbat Shalom" and then "Jingle Bells." Tuesday, 7 Dec 04 (back to top) Mom, Dad, and I finished decorating our gingerbread house. It has 2 trees, a pond, a light post, a snow man, a reindeer on the roof, a path, and a fence. It's pretty cool. I can't wait to start pulling candies off of it to eat! When we were building it, I kept asking Mom, "Can I lick my fingers now?" Monday, 6 Dec 04 (back to top) Nicholas came over last night. We made 2 gingerbread houses. We finished his house but not ours yet. I think Mom & Dad had more fun than us (until we got to put the candy on the houses). Saturday, 4 Dec 04 (back to top) Dad and I went to the Hercules tree lighting festival last night. I enjoyed watching the singers and dancers. I wasn't up for visiting Santa. He was a bit scary. We got our picture taken for the local newspaper, but it wasn't chosen to be in this morning's paper. I had 2 candy canes yesterday. Yum! Monday, 29 Nov 04 (back to top) Milestone: I've started telling my first joke: Knock, knock. This is actually the combination of two knock knock jokes: Knock, knock. Knock, knock. I really get a kick out of telling this joke! I had a very good Thanksgiving. We went to Grandma Chula's house and I got to play with cousins Henry, Elile, and Angelo. Yesterday I went to the carousel at Tilden Park with Mom & Dad & Blaise. I rode it 5 times and bought a heart-shaped ornament for the Christmas tree. When we put up the Christmas Tree on Saturday, I said "And tomorrow is Halloween??!!!" Tuesday, 23 Nov 04 (back to top) Other Freya-isms:
Monday, 22 Nov 04 (back to top) We went to Ikea yesterday to buy some book cases for my room. I helped Dad put together one of them last night. Friday, 19 Nov 04 (back to top) Milestone: I've figured out how to lie. Several times this week Mom asked me if I needed to go potty. I told her that I went potty with Daddy or I went poopoo with Cece. Mom followed up and found out that I did not tell the truth. This is another new "power" that I've learned. Sunday, 14 Nov 04 (back to top) We went to the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco this morning. I got a black kitty painted on my hand and got to wear a "Baju Bodo" outfit from South Sulawesi Island, Indonesia and learn a native Sumatran dance. Wednesday, 10 Nov 04 (back to top) Mom thought she left the house with plenty of time to spare to get me to Mama Bear's yesterday. But on the way I said that I had to go potty. We stopped at the Hercules Transit Station and mom got out my portable potty. I saw a porta-potty and wanted to use it. Mom said that the experience was yucky. Tuesday, 9 Nov 04 (back to top) On the way home from Kindermusik yesterday, Dad said that if I went pee or poop in the potty one more time, I would fill in my wall chart with stickers and be able to get ice cream. So after dinner I *really* tried to go pee. I did a tiny bit, but Dad couldn't help but laugh when my face turned beet red every time I pushed. Mom tried to get him to stop. I also wanted to pee standing up, but Dad said that it would dribble down my leg. So I kneeled in front of the potty and tried to drape my body over the potty so my pee would go in the potty. Mom and Dad both thought that was pretty funny. Monday, 8 Nov 04 (back to top) Mom and Dad bought me a digital clock this weekend. The covered the minutes with a piece of paper and tought me what the number 6 looks like. I'm not supposed to get up until 6am. (Saturday night I was up & down all night. Mom would hear noises and Dad would open the bedroom door to see me sitting on the floor half-asleep in the hallway.) Thursday, 4 Nov 04 (back to top) Mom said to me yesterday "What did you do that was so great in dance class yesterday?" I told Dad, "I was a BEAR!" Then Mom said that I left the dance floor in the middle of class and ran to her saying "I have to go pee." We then went to the potty at the dance studio. Mom was very impressed that I was able to do this! Wednesday, 3 Nov 04 (back to top) Cece asked me yesterday who cut my hair. (Mom took me to BG Hair Cuts in Pinole.) I told Cece "John Kerry!". This morning Mom and Dad said that they were sad that John Kerry didn't win. I told them that I was sad too. Tuesday, 2 Nov 04 (back to top) I went with Dad to go vote today. He told me that we're voting for John Kerry. When we got to the polling place, I was a bit confused to find out that John Kerry wasn't actually there. Monday, 1 Nov 04 (back to top) Last night was Halloween. We had dinner at my friend Tatiana's house and then Tati, her Dad, Allen, Grandpa Mike, Tara, my Daddy and I all went trick-or-treating. I was dressed as a witch. I would "cast a spell!" on people and get candy. It was lots of fun. Tati and I held hands as we walked from house to house. Dad will post some pictures soon. Wednesday, 27 Oct 04 (back to top) Dad fixed the cabinet lock on the cabinet with the goodies in it. But he hasn't fixed the broken lock on the refrigerator yet. I'm able to pull things from the fridge and bake "cakes". I made one with eggs, cheese, and chocolate sauce the other day, and one made from yogurt and cheese. Yesterday Mom came downstairs during my "quiet time" and I was truly quiet. She found the bathroom door was locked and got quite a bit worried -- especially when I wouldn't say anything. She did hear some crumpling and about a minute later I opened the door. I had pulled a small bag of cookies through the crack in the cupboard that I was able to reach my fingers into. I didn't open the bathroom door until I had eaten all of the cookies. And I didn't answer Mom's please (I was perfectly quiet) until I had finished eating. Mom was actually impressed that I knew enough to be quiet and lock the door while eating my "treasure." Monday, 25 Oct 04 (back to top) We went to the Western Railway Museum yesterday for a picnic with friends. My ceaseless energy was on display once again. I kept up with all of the boys, ate almost nothing for lunch, ate a cupcake and then ran around and danced to music at the local pumpkin patch. After eating a hot dog and water we drove to the grocery store and then home. I finally slowed down around 5:30. Mom and Dad were hoping for a nap ealier. No go! Wednesday, 20 Oct 04 (back to top) I figured out that if I move my small table around the kitchen, or if I move the small kitchen stool around the house (even upstairs), I can get into many more things. This morning I was able to get some cookies down for myself. Yum! Thursday, 14 Oct 04 (back to top) I haven't had a nap in 6 days. (I refuse to.) Mom is trying to adjust to not having some time of her own in the afternoon. (Actually with Blaise.) And I'm a bit tired and cranky by dinner time. So I have been going to be a bit earlier than normal (7pm now). Wednesday, 13 Oct 04 (back to top) Dad made a yucky smoothie the other day. He thought it would be a good way to get me to eat some fruit. He put in OJ, milk, ice, vanilla ice cream, pineapple, peaches, and peanut butter. Mom said that I might not like it because of the texture, so I said "I want one with no texture!!!" Even Mom and Dad wouldn't drink it. Tuesday, 12 Oct 04 (back to top) I went to Kids Club at 24 Hour Fitness yesterday and actually told Erica that I wanted to go poo in the potty. Mom and Dad are very impressed! Monday, 4 Oct 04 (back to top) We spent the morning at Grandma Chula and Grandpa Bear's house celebrating Grandpa Bear's birthday. The highlight was probably swinging with Ellie and Angelo in the hammock. And all of us pushing Dad in the hammock (until the ropes started to break!). Friday, 1 Oct 04 (back to top) We watched the presidential debates last night (Kerry versus Bush). I colored with my new colored pencils while Mom & Dad watched. They thought it was funny that after Kerry repeated "Nuclear Proliferation" three times as the gravest challenge to security, I repeated back: "Nucleer lation, Nucleer lation". Tuesday, 28 Sep 04 (back to top) I went to Kindermusik last night. The current session started last week. It's for 3-5 year olds. My friend Tatiana (4 yrs) is in the class. There's also another Freya in the class!!! I think I may have an identity crisis. We'll see. Monday, 27 Sep 04 (back to top) We went to Luke Quieroz' birthday party at the Oakland Zoo on Saturday. I've finally gotten over my fear of most toddler rides. I went on the carousel with Dad and drove several of the car rides. I also filled in my first pee/poo chart (21 times using the potty) so we went for ice cream yesterday! Thursday, 23 Sep 04 (back to top) I went to my 3rd Tap and Creative Movement class yesterday. Mom thought it was cute that I really tried to follow directions. The teacher had us sit with our legs spread out. Then she told us to lean forward to touch our hands to the floor as far as we could. So I proceeded to swing my legs behind me and lay completely prone on the floor. I was pleased because my hands were as far in front of me as possible and my face was touching the floor!! (I didn't realize I was supposed to leave my legs where they were. Mom got a kick out of this. Thursday, 16 Sep 04 (back to top) I went to my 2nd Tap and Creative Movement class yesterday. Mom said it looked like I wasn't having fun because I was concentrating so hard on the moves. I had just gotten the "heel toe" walk when they started doing a different move, but I was oblivious and kept doing heel-toe! Wednesday, 15 Sep 04 (back to top) I celebrated my birthday yesterday at Slide Ranch. Three friends and my 2 cousins joined me for a day of milking goats, feeding chickens, digging for worms in compost, and making various crafts. When Dad pulled out my birthday cake I ran to him, hugged his leg and said "Thank You, Daddy!" It was a very fun day! Monday, 13 Sep 04 (back to top) The past weekend was great! (Maybe not for Mom & Dad tho.) I went to Isabella's birthday party on Saturday and to Noah's on Sunday. I got all sugared up which caused meltdowns later in both evenings. Dad was sugared up too and could really feel it. Saturday afternoon we went to the Hercules pool and for the first time I was happy running all over the pool, staying away from Dad. Noah's birthday party was held at the Jelly Belly factory in Fairfield. They had tons of candy, pizza, cake, ice cream. And the tour of the factory was exciting. They have 4 packaging robots do a dance for you. Plus you can buy a lot of "flops" -- reject jelly bellies!!! (We didn't get any this time.) Tomorrow's my party. I can't wait! Friday, 10 Sep 04 (back to top) Happy Birthday to me! I am now 3 years old. I started my day by watching a Thomas the Tank Engine video and then struggling with Dad over whether I would brush my teeth or not. Then I opened 2 presents - a card from Grandma Risa and Grandpa Bernie (cash gift for my bank account), and a princess tiara and wand from Aunt Sylvie and family. Here's a list of some of my favorite foods: quesedillas from Taco Bell, yogurt, avocado, pizza, ham, sausage, french fries, baby food fruits and squash & sweet potato, ravioli. After breakfast I went to daycare at "Mama Bear's" in Pinole. Carol Thompson is the best day care provider. We actually ground real grain to make a cake and then at 12:30, Mom & Dad came by for the celebration. Carol told a story of the angel who came down to the earth 3 years ago (named Freya). And then we had some lunch (stone soup) and cake. I didn't take a nap today, so I wasn't doing so well later in the afternoon. But after dinner, we still had a small celebration with Mom & Dad. I opened up presents from friends: a microphone with echo from Cece, a puzzle from Jennie Sexton (and books too!), PJs from Aunt Beth, a dinosaur puppet from Aunt Aimee, and an Indian dress from Grandma Chula & Grandpa Bear. I really like laughing into the microphone with echo on. It sounds funny! Thursday, 9 Sep 04 (back to top) Yesterday I had my first "Tap and Creative Movement" class. Mom & Dad bought me some tap shoes and a tutu. They had to wake me from my nap so I'd make it, and were worried that I wouldn't be awake enough to enjoy the class. But when I got there I perked right up. Afterwards, we met Dad for a haircut and I got one too. I showed Dad all the steps I learned that night. Unfortunately, my tap shoes slip on our hardwood floors. We'll have to find another way for me to practice. Wednesday, 8 Sep 04 (back to top) Dad took off Friday from work so he could do some work around the house (painting peeling wood and sealing the outdoor lawn furniture and doing some yard work. He also took off yesterday since Mama Bear's was closed. So it was a nice long weekend. On Saturday we went to Muir woods with Claire, Ellie and Angelo. We played in a hollowed out Redwood tree and pretended that there was an alligator inside. We also went to Muir Beach for a picnic lunch and got sand everywhere! I fell in the water (was knocked over by a wave). It was lots of fun. That night we took apart my crib. It's still sitting in my room, leaning against the wall. On Sunday we went to the San Francisco Zoo. I fed a goat and got to pet a baby chick. We saw a tiger up close through thick glass and got some kettle corn. Yesterday, Dad and I went to the Bay Area Discovery Museum. I enjoyed playing on the boat, and in the tide pools. There was a fire alarm while we used the potty. It fascinated me and we talked about it the whole ride home. Monday, 30 Aug 04 (back to top) Dad went out Saturday night and bought me a new toddler bed (actually used - $20) and a play table. I was so excited that I said "Thank you!!" and hugged Dad's legs. We put it together Sunday morning and I took my afternoon nap in it and slept in it with no problems. I love jumping on it. Thursday, 26 Aug 04 (back to top) I thought I'd list some of my favorite TV shows and videos. Favorite TV show: Teletubbies. Runners up: Boobah, The Wiggles, Bear in the Big Blue House, Mr. Roger's Neighborhood, Cailou Favorite Video: Milo and Otis. Runners up: Little Bear, Thomas the Tank Engine, Baby Einstein series, Muzzy Wednesday, 25 Aug 04 (back to top) Yesterday I watered the new orange tree, the Saturn car, the sidewalk, the floor of the garage, and Dad's sneakers (while he was wearing them). He kept trying to distract me so I wouldn't water the newspaper he was reading. Monday, 23 Aug 04 (back to top) Grandma Risa and Grandpa Bernie just visited for 4 days. They took me and Dad to San Francisco to the aquarium at Pier 39. I did 5 laps around the underwater tunnel. Grandma and Grandpa pooped out after 2 laps. We ate at the Hard Rock Cafe and then went to Ghiradelli for ice cream. Grandma fed me big scoops of hot fudge from the leftovers of Dad's sundae. We also went to Marine World (on Saturday) and I really enjoyed seeing the tigers (orange and white). On Sunday we went out for brunch and I ate a fried chicken drumstick. Almost literally. I ate it down to the bone. Dad was quite surprised and impressed. Yesterday, on the way home from grocery shopping (Trader Joe's), Dad and I stopped at a yard sale. While we were looking, the white Trader Joe balloon that I had gotten flew out of the car and up into the sky. I *really* started crying. Dad said he would call Grandma Risa and Grandpa Bernie who were in the airplane, and ask them to try to catch the balloon as they were flying home. We called them and I asked them to keep the balloon at their house until I could visit and get it. The woman at the yard sale gave me some free toys, and Dad went to the local grocery store to get me a new balloon. BTW, Grandma Chula and Grandpa Bear got Dad an orange tree for his birthday. We dug the hole on Saturday and planted it on Sunday. Dad's very excited. Tuesday, 17 Aug 04 (back to top) I fell down the stairs last night. Dad and I were making robot costumes out of paper bags. We went upstairs to show Mom and then we went back down to do more. I was wearing sandals that caught on a stair. Dad had gone down ahead to grab another bag out of the garage. I was on the 3rd step from the bottom when I fell. No one saw it. When I wasn't in the family room when Dad got back from the garage, he went to the stairs and saw me laying on the floor. I didn't really hurt myself, but everyone was a little freaked out. My mouth did hurt so I put some ice on it. Tuesday, 10 Aug 04 (back to top) I pooped in the potty this morning!!!! (I haven't in quite a long while.) Dad has been having me sit on the potty each morning the last several days. This morning something finally happened. He was so excited. I'm proud too. Yesterday was Dad's 37th birthday. He told Mom that all he wanted was a few shirts and a donut. (He's trying to drop a few pounds.) Mom surprised him with a 4:45pm appointment to get a massage and then after dinner she brought out a couple of donuts and an ice cream cake (his favorite). He was floored. And I got to eat some donut and ice cream too! Yum! I'm looking forward to the leftovers too! Hope Dad doesn't eat it all! Tuesday, 3 Aug 04 (back to top) Dad thinks this is an interesting milestone. Just a few minutes ago, both Blaise and I were crying at the top of our lungs. It's the first time that both of us cried together. It got a bit loud. (I slipped in the bath.) Monday, 2 Aug 04 (back to top) We all went to the Benecia Waterfront Festival yesterday. It would have been fun except that it was super windy! I did get to watch the jetski races off the pier though. And we ate at the restaurant that gives peppermint candies for dessert. Yum! Dad sang a song the other day that I *love*: "Doctor, Doctor. Give me the news. I've got a... bad case of loving you! No pill's gonna cure my ill. I've got a... bad case... of loving.... you!" I call it the silly song. Thursday, 29 July 04 (back to top) My cousins Sage and Skye and Aunt Sylvie came to visit yesterday. We met at the local park with my Aunt Claire and cousins Ellie and Angelo too. Grandpa Bear and Grandma Chula were there and Grandpa Bear wore me out with a game of tag. At one point I stopped, hung my head, and almost fell asleep standing up. Needless to say, I had a long nap afterward! Thursday, 22 July 04 (back to top) Dad got a kick out of this. Yesterday I took 2 of Blaise's rattles that look like baby bottles and was feeding 2 of my stuffed animals (Amos & Elmo). Then I lifted my shirt and put the two bottles to my breasts and started saying "PumpPumpPumpPumpPumpPumpPumpPump". After "pumping" more milk into the bottles, I proceeded to feed Amos & Elmo more milk. Yesterday Grandpa Bear gave me a "ticket" because I didn't get into my car seat. This morning I scribbled on some paper and gave out "tickets" to Grandpa Bear, Grandma Chula, Mom, and Blaise, for being in the wrong seat at breakfast. Later I did get into my car seat so Granda Bear gave me a "certificate" for good behavior. Tuesday, 20 July 04 (back to top) Dad thinks I might have the inclination to be some form of performance artist. Yesterday, instead of taking my nap, I took all of my toddler blankets, burp cloths, and towels and stacked them on the rocking chair in my room with layers of diapers in between. Dad spent about 10 minutes speed folding them before bedtime. Maybe I was getting ready to "stage dive" from my crib onto the soft pile. They'll never know. Sunday, 18 July 04 (back to top) Mom noticed that I think I'm allowed to do something if I get somone on my imaginary phone to agree to it. For example, today I "telephoned" someone and said, "Is it ok for me to sleep with Mommy? Ok? Uh huh? Ok. Bye-Bye". I've done it several times. I also try to trick Mom or Dad into saying Ok to questions like, "After I nap I get a treat. Ok?" Thursday, 15 July 04 (back to top) Mom thinks it's cute that I like to wear a nightgown to bed. I think it's a hand-me-down from my cousin Ellie. I like dancing in my night dress while getting ready for bed. Tuesday, 6 July 04 (back to top) Over the weekend I tried "skating" in the kitchen with the lids to a few containers. Since Mom loves skating so much it was easy for them to decide to go out and buy me some. I now have skates, a helmet, knee and elbow pads and wrist guards. I'm about 90% protected when we go skating now! Monday, 5 July 04 (back to top) We went to the Hercules 4th of July parade yesterday. It was great! People walking down the street threw candy towards me. Mom put some in her pocket but when she was talking to her friend I figured out how to sneak some candy from her. Today we're going to buy some roller skates for me. I found Dad's in the garage and have been skating around the kitchen on some plastic container tops. Wednesday, 30 June 04 (back to top) I have a baby brother! I'm a big sister now. He was born on June 23. It's been a week now and I'm not sure what to think of him. I want to hold him all the time, but Mom & Dad won't let me carry him. Things seem different around here. I'm not sure I like it. Monday, 21 June 04 (back to top) On Saturday night I ate fish sticks for dinner. Mom and Dad give me some sparkling drink (apple cider) when I eat my fish. I ate several pieces and was expecting a lot and a lot and a lot of drink, but Dad only gave me a little. Mom and Dad looked a bit surprised when I said, "I ate three pieces!!!" I think they were surprised that I equated three pieces to a specific amount of drink. Yesterday we went to Adventure Playground in Berkeley. The place was fun!! I got to paint anywhere I wanted to. And the structures to climb on were all rickety and built by kids. Wednesday, 16 June 04 (back to top) Yesterday, Mom and I made a cake for Dad for Father's Day. I was hoping to have some for dinner last night but Dad wanted me to try some spinach risotto first. Not gonna happen. He spent the weekend in Boston because Grandma Risa is sick. I was very happy to see him come back. Last night I told him "I like you. You like me. We like each uffer." We rang doorbells of our neighbors before going to sleep. Sandy and Cliff invited us in for Diet Cokes. I *really* like soda!! Sunday, 6 June 04 (back to top) We went to a "sibling preparation class" yesterday, so I can better understand what's going to happen with the upcoming baby. I got the chance to put a diaper on Amos (my favorite stuffed cat animal) and got a newborn cap for him. We got to see the nursery where the little babies are sometimes taken, and got to see the room where my new brother will be born. I'm looking forward to getting bigger. Today I told Mom, "When I grow and I grow and I grow and get taller, I eat vitamins and cut flowers [roses]." Tuesday, 1 June 04 (back to top) I started using comparatives in my speech yesterday. I told Mom and Dad "I like Mom better than Dad." My current favorite musical instrument: The Triangle. Wednesday, 26 May 04 (back to top) New milestone: I climbed out of my crib for the first time Monday night. Tuesday I climbed out of it a bunch of times during naptime. Mom had to sit outside my door, holding it shut. And this morning I climbed out after waking. Mom and Dad don't know what to do with me. I don't need naps! I'm almost three! Wednesday, 19 May 04 (back to top) We're pretty sure I dislocated my left radius on Monday evening. For about 45 minutes I wouldn't unbend it. Dad thought it was fractured but Mom knew better. After icing it and calming me down, it seemed to stop hurting in an instant. (It popped back into place..??..) The Doctor said it could happen again within 3 weeks and to be careful. The way I play with the kitty cats at Mama Bear's -- Sunny and Ashley, I hope they don't get dislocated elbows too! Friday, 14 May 04 (back to top) Mom and Dad bought me the Muzzy French DVDs. Let's see if I can learn a little French... Monday, 10 May 04 (back to top) Mom and Dad now understand when I want a large portion of something. I say "I want a lot and a lot and a lot!". Then they get the picture. Wednesday, 5 May 04 (back to top) I had my first dentist appointment. Although Dr. D. was super nice, I wasn't yet willing to have them clean my teeth with that big noisy thing! I did get a new toothbrush that plays music so maybe I'll be more willing for Mom & Dad to help. Monday, 3 May 04 (back to top) Dad's started gathering some "Freya-isms":
Sunday, 2 May 04 (back to top) Today we went to Yerba Buena Gardens in San Francisco to celebrate Mother's Day early with Grandma Chula. We played at the play area and then went for lunch. I went on the carousel with Dad and Grandpa Bear. It was the *first time ever* that I had ever gone on one. I used to prefer to just watch. Today I sat in one of the gondolas. Maybe next time I'll get the courage up to go on one of the horses that actually moves! Thursday, 29 Apr 04 (back to top) I've been starting to use pronouns lately. I don't know how to use "him" or "her", but I've been using "she" and "he" -- somewhat indescriminently, tho. I say things like "She go to she house?" Mom thinks my language growth is fascinating. Sunday, 25 Apr 04 (back to top) We went to our friend Amalia's baptism today. I liked the fact that they had bagels to eat after the ceremony. Dad was funny. He was in the front row and when the alter boy called him up to initiate communion, he almost went up so as to not cause a fuss. Luckily his friend Ammiel stopped him and told him that he didn't have to go up... My latest thing is that I constantly ask Mom or Dad to "I want she talk to me." This means that I want a stuffed animal or object to have a conversation with me. And it can't be in Mom or Dad's regular voice. It has to be in a silly voice. Sunday, 18 Apr 04 (back to top) We got back from a vacation to Palm Springs on Friday. I enjoyed swimming in the condo's pool and playing in the hot tub. Some tennis balls were left in the tennis court so I played by picking up about 4-5 at a time and trying to throw them simultaneously. The Living Desert (Zoo) was fun. I liked brushing the goats and seeing the "wark ogs". I did touch a fuzzy cactus and got a gazillion little burrs in my hands - not fun! I was starting to get sick by the end of the vacation but Mom & Dad did get me a couple of ice creams during the trip. The Children's museum was neat in that they had a small grocery store in which I ran the cash register for a little while. I mastered using the "elegator" at our condo complex, and found out that I like virgin strawberry magueritas. Wednesday, 31 Mar 04 (back to top) Dad just doesn't get it. When I'm eating something yummy in the car and ask him to hold it, it does not mean that he can start eating it! I merely want him to hold it so I can have a drink of water or milk. I'm wising up to him tho. Today I asked him to hold some popcorn but changed my mind. It was tough to negotiate holding the popcorn and my water but I managed. Monday, 29 Mar 04 (back to top) We put together my baby brother's crib on Saturday. Yesterday (Sunday) we bought a mattress. I gave it a good testing, bouncing up & down for several minutes. And this morning I got to feel him moving for the first time in Mom's belly! Tuesday, 23 Mar 04 (back to top) Mom seems to have mixed feelings that I've been telling people that there's a baby "in there" and that it will come out soon and "nurse breast". [My obsession continues...] Monday, 22 Mar 04 (back to top) I've been sick the past 5 days but yesterday we made it out to the Oakland Museum. They had a special presentation on insects. Some experts brought in a bunch of big bugs. Mom and Dad got to hold a milipede that was about 8 inches long and as thick as Dad's thumb. They also had a huge stick bug that should have been called a branch bug or a limb bug. It was *big*. The museum has huge koi (goldfish) in the pond out front. Next time we come I'll bring bread for them. Tuesday, 15 Mar 04 (back to top) I went poo in the potty yesterday without any prompting. I told Mom "pee pee" and then ran to the bathroom. She helped me get on the potty and then I went poo. I'm excited because everytime I use the potty I get 2 stickers on my wall chart. When I fill up the blocks on the chart I get ICE CREAM!!! Last night we went to our Home Owner Association meeting. I colored and said "WE HAVE TO BE QUIET" many times. I was fascinated by the ant infestation at the club house. Monday, 15 Mar 04 (back to top) I'm getting ready for the new baby. I rock my kitty Amos to sleep in the rocking chair while listening to music. Then I get up and shut off the CD player with my foot (like Mom and Dad do). Then I put Amos to sleep in my crib, tell him I love you, and below him a kiss. Then I climb into Mom and Dad's bed, pretend to sleep, and wait for Amos to wake up. Yesterday we went to a farm up in Sonoma. We met up with Aunt Claire, Uncle Augustin, Ellie and Angelo. We got to feed some baby goats and pick up some chickens. Dad was extremely excited to be able to pick up a chicken. It was a bit scary for me. Some pictures are posted here. Friday, 12 Mar 04 (back to top) Yesterday was Mom's birthday. Dad and I baked a cake for her Wednesday
night. Tonight I crammed tofu and noodles in my mouth so Mom and Dad would
be satisfied that I ate enough and would then be able to eat CAKE!!! Yum!
Mom and Dad are a little sad that I don't say "Mees" as much anymore. To me Mees meant "music" or "TV". Now I say "music" to mean both. They borrowed a video of The Very Hungry Caterpillar from the library a few weeks ago. I really loved watching it. There is a story called "Papa, Please Get me the Moon". When I see the moon now I say that to Mom or Dad. I've been acting a bit like a baby lately. I'm obsessed with Mom's chest. She doesn't seem to like me trying to grab or nurse. I pretend to nurse Amos, my stuffed cat doll. I've also enjoyed drinking milk from a baby bottle as of late. Tuesday, 24 Feb 04 (back to top) Mom and Dad took me to see Dennis Kucinich speak in Richmond, CA last night. I really enjoyed standing on my chair and clapping when everyone else clapped. I also enjoyed using Mom's pen to color in the face of Dennis Kucinich on all of the pamphlets that Dad got for me. I hope no one thought I was disrespecting Dennis. Mom and Dad got interviewed by the local newspaper. You can read the article at http://www.contracostatimes.com/mld/cctimes/news/8026606.htm. Sunday, 8 Feb 04 (back to top) I peed in the potty at home for the first time. Dad said he'd give me a chocolate chip if I did. So I did. <grin> Saturday, 7 Feb 04 (back to top) I had my first lollypop today. I had about half of it and then Dad said that I could have the rest after my nap. So I closed my eyes for 30 seconds, pretended to breathe heavily and announced that I was awake. Mom & Dad didn't buy it, unfortunately. Mom has started taking me to "beautiful dancing" class. It's something like ballet but we pretend we're animals, etc... Dad takes me to Kindermusik once a week. They're both fun! Friday, 30 Jan 04 (back to top) Mom and Dad are considering trying to potty train me. I don't need it. I can stand in front of the potty like any other boy, pull down my diaper and pee standing up. It doesn't quite make it into the potty tho. It dribbles down my leg. I have to figure out what's going on there. They're also trying to get me to brush my teeth better. Dad thinks that if we go "hunting for chickens" in my mouth, I'll agree to it. He tricked me once. I'm not that much of a pushover. Saturday, 17 Jan 04 (back to top) Mom and Dad told me today that I'm going to have a baby brother. They showed me that there is a baby in Mommy's belly. I don't think it means that much to me right now. But I overheard them saying they're going to ease me in to it (whatever that means). Wednesday, 7 Jan 04 (back to top) One of my favorite activities these days is to "faw" with "maakas" (Draw with markers). I really like trying to color whole objects in. Can't stay in the lines yet. Tuesday, 6 Jan 04 (back to top) Last night I was able to use a scissors by myself (kid's scissors). I spent an hour cutting a few sheets of paper. It's much easier if I have Mom or Dad hold the paper so I can use 2 hands to maneuver the scissors.